The label HEMANG AGRAWAL embodies Indian textile heritage in a contemporary apparel form, deploying weaving techniques, which are fast disappearing from the present-day textile vernacular.
The founder, Hemang Agrawal studied Fashion Design at NIFT- Mumbai, finishing amongst the top of the class & was awarded for textile development. He also received Merit and Golden Jubilee scholarships at Sydenham College, Mumbai pursuing Business Studies. 
After a stint in the apparel expor­t industry, in 2004 he returned to Benares (Varanasi)- the city of his birth which is widely renowned as the handloom-weaving capital of India, for research & training in his true calling - handcrafted textiles. Over the last 15 years, as the Creative Director of The Surekha Group, Agrawal has worked closely with several International couture brands.
The label was nominated for the prestigious WoolMark Prize 2017-18 & has been awarded by International Consortium of Green Fashion & Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. Agrawal was invited by The National Silk Museum, China to deliver “Threads that Bind,” a keynote address covering the textiles & handlooms from the Indian Subcontinent at “A World of Looms” International Conference in May-June, 2018. Agrawal’s work was featured on the Netflix Series “The Creative Indians” in 2020.
The label is a part of The Surekha Group, Benares, a five decade old textiles enterprise.

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